Friday, March 02, 2007

MacArthur awards Open Source $250K for Internet Based Tools and the Production of a Daily Radio Program

Congratulations to Chris Lydon, Brendan Greeley and the whole gang at Open Source!
from Brendan:
I spent a lot of time at the Integrated Media Conference in Boston last week answering questions from public radio people about what we do. MacArthur has decided to support us for the same reason; we’re developing tools at Open Source that are going to be useful in the future to a lot of people. People in public radio, people in public television, people tiptoeing toward that fantastic beast we’re beginning to call “public media.”

So expect a lot of development activity in the next two or three months. If you care about the structure of the community, by all means keep letting us know what improvements you’re looking for.

When can we bring these guys to Tampa?

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